Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Approaching Topic Two

Topic Two, Identity-Based Conflicts, is broad for a reason. This is to give you, the delegates, the agency to take the committee discussion where you want to take it. Will you attempt to create a large framework from which to refer to whenever a domestic conflict in the region escalates? Or will you target solutions for specific conflicts occurring today? This is ultimately up to you. If the chairs feel like delegates are conflicted on how to approach this topic, then we will provide guidance to move debate along.

TIP: I believe one important thing to keep in mind, always, is what obstacles lie in your way between violence and regional peace. Addressing these obstacles will allow you to carve out stronger working papers.
Here are some topics you can address in your paper (and hopefully in caucus):

  1. Addressing conflicts in the area and how those conflicts have affected YOUR country (politically, economically, etc.). 
  2. Addressing the nature of past/current conflicts and what makes them hard to address, especially for your specific country.
  3. Addressing similarities between conflicts (both past and current). Addressing how past conflicts were dealt with and how those steps could be implemented into a resolution (these steps may be solutions to already mentioned obstacles).
  4. Discussing the obstacles why ASEAN has not acted in the past on uniting the region in addressing domestic conflicts and providing solutions (you do not have to make a solution unless you have one -- you can just bring up an obstacle, the devil’s advocate).
  5. Going into more detail on a single obstacle and/or a single solution. Then in unmoderated caucus, delegates can break into groups to tackle problems they are more passionate about or ones that affect/involve their country more -- i.e. a poorer country will probably work on a working paper that puts more pressure on wealthier states to act or one that doesn’t require them to provide a lot of resources.

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